
Siempre identifiqué al bambú con la fortaleza y la paciencia. Una vez plantada la semilla pueden pasar meses y meses sin que suceda nada aparentemente, al menos, a simple vista.
Pueden pasar hasta siete años hasta que se empieza a ver crecer y es entonces cuando, sólo en dos meses, puede alcanzar hasta 30 metros de longitud, por lo que el que lo siembra no debe desesperar en absoluto.
Realmente, no es cierto ese aparente periodo de inactividad, pues, esta planta posee una compleja red de raíces que en un futuro potenciará su crecimiento y la hará flexible pero fuerte ante la adversidad.
Por eso, si pensamos en las personas y en la obtención de sus propósitos y sus metas no debemos desesperarnos si los resultados deseados no surgen a primera vista, pues puede que estén desarrollando un complejo sistema de raíces.

31 comentarios

    • R. M. thank you very much! find someone to translate the page? ayyyy horrors … and it costs me English! but thanks to you I am slowly improving, but Chinese? nooooo!! is too much for me. The quilt was beautiful. You look like an artist. I like to knit scarves but just do. a big hug.

      Me gusta

      • It was ‘alive’ for about 2 seconds! I hit the ‘publish’ key without meaning to, and immediately went to ‘trash’: but you are the second person to mention it to me. [sob!]

        Me gusta

    • (Well! I’ve recovered from the trash e mail!)

      If outing myself as a knitting and crochet person disappoints anyone, I’m sorry – you probably didn’t imagine it for a moment, eh …? 🙂

      But the fact is, I am!

      And, having just taken advantage of my Melbourne wool suppliers’ sale price for a particular 8-ply and been really delighted with what they sent, I’ve been searching for some nice squares to make a throw for y-k-w … My flatmate, you might say: certainly, my friend and companion – da Lui!

      As to why a mere mog needs a throw; it ain’t for him, but for me. The huge great bastard has semi-long and very soft fur; and he leaves it behind wherever he goes. Not all that long ago I made a smallish throw out of a beautiful shiny cotton to put over a very large and very ugly recliner chair; and then HE decided that it was the one thing he’d searched for all his 7 lives. 9. Whatever. It is now completely ruined; for all the shine has been taken off, and the cotton is looking very much the worse for wear. We won’t discuss where he’s caught hisclaws talons in it while shifting around!

      So it has to be a wool one – almost inexpressibly less expensive. That chair is simply too hideous to stay naked; and yes, ‘t was I who bought it, on-line … The photos didn’t show me how WIDE it is.

      FINALLY WE HAVE REACHED THE BOTTOM LINE! If anyone reads this who speaks Chinese (of whichever is the right kind), could s/he please click on the photo to go to a Pinterest link and tell me what it says? – like, is there any chance I can lay hands on a schematic plan that I could follow …?

      Me gusta

      • Sighh … That’s me all over, alright. It seems that if you hit the ‘publish’ button there is NOTHING you can do to stop it being seen everywhere. Sorry about all that, Laura – and thanks for reminding me what I said! [grin]
        As for the Spanish; I use Chrome as a browser, and it is set to translate Spanish into English! 😀

        Me gusta

  1. Hola,
    Muchas gracias por pasarte por mi blog. Yo si te parece, te sigo.
    Me ha gustado esa comparación que has hecho entre la urgencia de nuestros deseos y la «paciencia del bambu». Estoy de acuerdo contigo.
    Preciosa fotografía.
    Por cierto, me puedes decir tu nombre? 🙂
    Gracias y un abrazo

    Me gusta

  2. Por eso, si pensamos en las personas y en la obtención de sus propósitos y sus metas no debemos desesperarnos si los resultados deseados no surgen a primera vista, pues puede que estén desarrollando un complejo sistema de raíces.

    Esas palabras son de una grande esperanza para todo el que las necesita, me gusto muchissimo su articulo y la foto

    Me gusta

  3. Pues qué bonita entrada. Me la llevo. No la reblogueo para no ser abusivo, pero me la llevo a mis notas personales.
    No sé cuánto de manipulación tendrá la fotografía, pero es sobrecogedora. Toda la entrada es magnífica.

    Me gusta

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